Behavioral Insights on Air Quality Awareness Raising & Behavioural Change Project
Hackney has been successful in gaining funding from the Defra Air Quality Grant (DAQG) 2021/22 round to lead an air quality awareness-raising and behavioural change project with Tower Hamlets, Newham and City of London to increase knowledge and awareness of how individuals can reduce exposure to air pollution. The project aims to disseminate information on air quality and exposure reduction techniques to those communities impacted the most by air pollution and also have high rates of deprivation, as well as to those clinically vulnerable to air pollution. This is to enable these communities and individuals to make effective changes in reducing exposure to air pollution; helping disproportionately disadvantaged communities level up, improving health and wellbeing through reducing air pollution exposure. To ensure that the project successfully disseminates information and develops appropriate and accessible exposure reduction solutions to relevant communities, a reliable and effective way to measure and review the level of behaviour change in relation to communities and individuals adopting exposure reduction techniques from the implementation of the project needs to be developed and implemented.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90731000 - Services related to air pollution
90731100 - Air quality management
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors