Behavioural Science-Led Communications and Engagement Campaign
NHS SE London CCG is looking to commission an agency with digital and creative expertise and significant experience in behavioural science and behaviour change campaigns who can work with our team and ICS partners to develop and deliver a campaign to change key behaviours in south east London, reducing pressure on services over winter and enabling more of our patients to access the most appropriate service for their needs. To avoid repeating variations of communications campaigns that haven't addressed this issue we are investing in a science-based, data-driven behaviour change campaign. The campaign will focus on key areas that have been identified where such an approach can have most impact and ease system pressures. Following the research and insights phase we expect the campaign to have the following elements: • Campaign development phase • Test phase • Campaign activation and delivery • Evaluation This behavioural insights campaign will be centred around four key areas of focus where behaviours can be changed to have the biggest impact, and will aim to: • Define and present a simplified choice architecture, enabling people to make informed and appropriate decisions about accessing services. This is likely to include promoting the use of 111 online as the first point of contact for anyone other than parents with children under 5. • Evidence an increase in confidence in virtual appointments and treatment including e-consult, video and phone. • Evidence an increase confidence in the range of professionals able to provide treatment and advice, promoting the role of pharmacists and health visitors. • Encourage and support people who aren't registered with a GP to register and create an environment wherein people want to register with a GP.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79416000 - Public relations services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors