Berth 4 Design & Construction (Civil & Marine Work Lots)
The works and trade disciplines within the Lots is as follows:, Lot 1: Civil Works , a)Earthworks, removal of existing surcharge material and ground improvement, b)Heavy duty pavements and other surfacing, c)10 on shore stacks to be operated by automated stacking cranes (ASCs), d)Reefer frames, e)Hazardous container storage including pipework and holding tanks for contaminated effluent, f)Fire mains and associated pits and valves, g)Surface water drainage, h)HV, LV and communications conduits/pits, i)LV and HV electrical works including sub-stations, switchgear and transformers, j)Earthing systems, k)Electrical control and protection systems, l)Lighting, m)Testing and commissioning, Lot 2: Marine Works , a)A 430m extension of the existing deep-water quay, b)Mooring Dolphin, c)Fenders, bollards and other quayside furniture, d)Heavy-duty rails and foundations for quay cranes, e)Dredging of the berth pocket and approaches, f)Berth pocket scour protection, g)Fire mains and associated pits and valves, h)Surface water drainage, i)HV, LV and communications conduits/pits, j)LV and HV electrical works including sub-stations, switchgear and transformers, k)Earthing systems, l)Electrical control and protection systems, m)Lighting, n)Testing and commissioning
Published Date :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
45244000 - Marine construction works
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors