Bespoke Market Insights - Scottish Langoustines
Marine Fund Scotland have provided funding based on the Scottish Nephrops industry report published in September 2021.The funding will allow completion of 7 recommendations and the objectives within those recommendations. As part of the “Developing new Markets” recommendation there is an objective to gather marketing intelligence on new markets including consumer profiles, consumption trends, logistics, in country logistics and trade barriers. This research will help provide understanding and evidence to develop market opportunities for the Scottish langoustine sector. This brief outlines the initial thoughts of what this research could be and some considerations into developing a detailed draft plan in order to find a suitable contractor to deliver the work. The Scottish Nephrops Programme board have allocated the oversight of the “Developing New Markets” Recommendation to a team of industry members. The Scottish Nephrops programme manager, in partnership with the workstream members, will manage the contract once a suitable supplier and quote has been achieved. Whilst the request for this report comes from the Scottish Nephrops report and programme board, it is important to remember the ultimate customer and user of the information is the Nephrops fishing and processing sector, Scotland wide.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors