BHCC EB Refugee Resettlement Casework Support - AWARD
Brighton and Hove City Council (the Council) is seeking a Supplier to deliver Casework Support as part of its Refugee Resettlement Scheme. The primary aim of the services being procured is to fulfil the requirements set out by government in the funding instructions for the following resettlement schemes: The UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS) , The Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) and the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP). The Council is seeking to procure holistic casework support, including ESOL and employment support, for households arriving on government funded resettlement programmes. The support is to be provided for 24 months following arrival into the city. The casework provision can be extended, exceptionally, to 30 or 36 months for the most complex cases. The successful Supplier will be required to have capacity to scale up or down at pace in response to varying rates of arrivals and unexpected world events and changes to government schemes/funding arrangements, with an anticipated maximum arrival per annum of 70 individuals. The Council is conducting a two-stage procedure under the Light touch regime in order to appoint a suitable Supplier, in accordance with Regulation 76 of the Regulations. An overview of the service required is provided in the attached document 'Schedule 1 - Service Overview'. To see full documents, please 'Express an Interest' below and review the 'Stage One' tab. The Council intends to develop further detail regarding the service specification as part of Stage Two of this tender. Further details are given within the guidance document. The value noted in the notice is based on the maximum five year term and based on supporting the anticipated maximum amount of individuals arriving per annum (70). This figure also includes taking on support for existing caseloads at the commencement of the contract and all figures are based on currently understood funding levels and schemes. As noted in the Service Overview, the full scope of the services cannot be confirmed at the time of writing and the Council intends to provide further information as part of Stage Two, including consideration of arrangements in relation to individuals currently being supported through the existing contract
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors