BIG001-0960 Offsetting the Fund's calculated carbon footprint 2017/18
The Fund is seeking to procure a service provider to offset our calculated carbon footprint for 2017/18 (1151 tonnes). The Service Provider will ensure that our offset fund enables successful community carbon projects within the UK, which would otherwise not have gone ahead without our funding (which will be confirmed through the projects being certified as additional). We require an organisation to use the money to deliver carbon reduction projects that are consistent with our organisational aims/ethos. Therefore, we are looking for projects that involve, benefit and engage UK communities, bringing social and environmental benefits beyond the initial carbon capture/reduction. We will require information on the project/s we fund, to use internally and potentially externally to encourage environmental conversations. Also, details of how the offset has been calculated and what recognised standards they meet.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors