Bio resources - consultancy support for our review of the bio resources market
Scope of project and overall objectives Consultancy support to: 1 Provide expert knowledge and insight regarding the biosresources activity and market - this will include: a) the steps and processes involved in the transport, treatment and disposal of sludge; b) common and commercial arrangements; and c) the wider waste sector This advice will be provided through attending team meetings, providing written input, reviewing the work of other team members etc. For example, we would expect the consultant(s) to review our approach to analysing the scope for bioresources trading. 2 Deliver certain aspects of the review. As the precise nature of the work will be informed by the consultant(s), along with the rest of the team, this is not a definitive list, but is likely to include research and drafting for the report including: a) a background section eg the current structure of the market including changing patterns of use, equipment/technology, market prices, disposal routes etc and a short assessment of the bioresources markets in other countries; b) implications of these for the market; c) identification and assessment of certain barriers to development of the market (particularly non-economic ones, given the structure of our team) such as environmental regulation and best practice codes, quality standards, planning, corporate culture etc; and d) identification and assessment of certain possible options to further competition and development of the market
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
79411000 - General management consultancy services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors