Bioresources - Setting a Standardised Methodology for Quantifying the Cost of Sludge Liquor Treatment in the Water Industry
Scope of project and overall objectives There are four key elements of the project that the Supplier will be expected to deliver. These are: Deliverable 1 - Initial findings on potential options for standardisation. Prior to the delivery of the draft report, the Supplier will be required to communicate initial findings on company methodologies and potential options for standardisation to Ofwat. Deliverable 2 - Draft report. The draft report will discuss the range of methodologies WASCs are currently employing to quantify sludge liquor treatment costs and will propose options to Ofwat for a future standardised methodology. Deliverable 3 - Presentation on draft report. The Supplier will give a presentation to Ofwat and the WASCs on the draft report and offer the opportunity to comment on this. Deliverable 4 - Final report. The final report will be reviewed, and providing expectations are met, signed off by the Ofwat project lead.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
79411000 - General management consultancy services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors