Biosecurity - Detection Dogs 2019
The RSPB is, on behalf of the Biosecurity for LIFE partnership, seeking to obtain the services of an experienced conservation detection dog trainer with a proven track-record in training working dogs for the purposes of scent-detection work. We require one (1) dog trained to search for and indicate the presence of rats (Rattus sp.), the most common invasive mammal on the UK’s islands. The dog must be trained to locate the target species by indicating sign, scent, live or dead animal, and must be trained to not react to non-target species. The dog will not be used to control the target species. The Contractor will be responsible for selecting, assessing and training one (1) dog that will obtain an interim certificate (see below) through an assessment carried out by an independent specialist. Not all puppies will be suitable for training as a conservation detection dog, and not all dogs in training will obtain the necessary skills and qualities to achieve an interim certificate. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain a sufficient number of puppies to train to result in one (1) trained and certified dog. Following the interim certification, the Contractor will assist in pairing the dog with a dedicated handler
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80512000 - Dog training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors