0913BIS Heated Press.
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) requires process equipment for bonding electrical or mechanical components together such as semiconductor power dice to circuit boards, lead frames, packages or thermal substrates. The components will be pre-placed onto the substrates or carriers before bonding in the press. The system shall be capable of applying under automatic control a combination of heat and pressure to the components, either singly or in arrays of parts. The system shall enable the evaluation of effects of process parameters on bonding quality determined by the electrical, mechanical and thermal properties that can be achieved without introducing damage to delicate components. The equipment needs to be compatible with demonstrating manufacturing capability of bonding processes for medium volume production. The equipment will be used to support a number of research and development projects at MTC, and so should be capable of adaption through changes of tooling to accommodate a wide range of different component configurations. It is also desired that the equipment shall be provided with full control of all independent set up and process parameters over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, (under computerised programme control as far as possible) to allow the equipment to be configured for bonding with a range of materials types, such as silver pastes for low temperature sintering.
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CPV Codes
42000000 - Industrial machinery
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors