Block Purchase of 210 Education Psychologist Needs Assessments
The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) plays an important role within SEND Services. They work with children, young people, families, and schools, using psychology to promote positive outcomes in relation to wellbeing, communication, and learning. They work collaboratively with children and young people from birth to 25 years old, alongside families and schools, on a variety of issues. These can include supporting children with learning difficulties or communication needs, and helping schools to meet the needs of young people who are finding it difficult to manage their emotions. Educational psychologists work at various levels which may include: On an individual level - assessing a child's needs and working with schools to implement provision that meets the identified needs At a group level - supporting a set of children with similar needs Supporting the systems around the child - for example, supporting a school to develop their inclusion policy. At a service level supporting the implementation of priorities from the SEND strategy Completing statutory assessments of need that support the assessment process in a request for an EHCP. It is a statutory requirement that EHC Plans are issued within 20 weeks of the initial request for assessment. Milton Keynes City Council requires additional capacity to deliver Psychological Advice assessments to enable EHC Plans to be issued within the statutory timescales.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85310000 - Social work services
85300000 - Social work and related services
85320000 - Social services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors