BMAC -Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate
Statement of Requirement (SoR) details the Ministry of Defence (MoD) requirement to conduct research in order to better understand the biological profile of BMAC, subsequently benefitting the development of new therapies for fractures at risk of non-union biological augments. REQUIREMENT 3.The Institution will undertake research to deliver three objectives: a.Primary Objective - to evaluate the effect of a single blast wave on the osteogenic potential of BMAC bSecondary Objective - To analyse the biological profile of BMAC, in order to objectively evaluate the presence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and growth factors (GF) cTertiary Objective - To determine which growth factors are upregulated in BMAC following blast wave exposure, to better understand the mechanism behind BMAC's upregulated osteogenic potential following blast wave exposure
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