Bonn Agreement: Area-wide Assessment of Risk Evaluation 2 - BE-AWARE 2.
BE-AWARE 2 aims to identify the most effective future risk reduction and response measures for oil pollution in the Greater North Sea and its Approaches. The project will build directly upon the outcomes of the BE-AWARE project (which has identified areas at increased risk of pollution, the potential for spills in those areas and the criteria for undertaking an analysis of the socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability). It will achieve the following main objectives:— To identify alternative future (2020) scenarios for risk reduction measures and response capacities;— To model the fate and weathering of oil for the potential spills identified in BE-AWARE for each of the scenarios;— To identify the socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability of the coastline and offshore areas using the tools developed in BE-AWARE;— To identify the impacts of oil in the environment, taking into consideration the vulnerability of the coastline and offshore areas, for each of the selected scenarios;— To develop risk management conclusions for Bonn Agreement sub-regions based on the most efficient and cost effective scenarios identified.— Promoting common understanding of risk assessment practices and cross border risk management.The contract will be to support the Bonn Agreement Secretariat and Project Partners by undertaking the technical implementation of the tasks, outlined in the scope of contract II.2 below, to ensure these objectives can be met, including any methodological development.The BE-AWARE 2 Project is part funded by the EU Civil Protection Financial Instrument and the project partners are Bonn Agreement Secretariat, Ministry for Infrastructure & Environment, Rijkswterstaat (Netherlands), DG Environment Belgium, Danish Admiral Fleet Headquarters, Préfecture maritime de la Manche et de la mer du Nord (France), Norwegian Coastal Administration, Swedish Coast Guard, Maritime and Coastguard Agency (UK) and Centre d'Études Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales (CETMEF) (France). The project is also co-financed by the Irish Coast Guard and Havariekommando (Germany).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90741000 - Services related to oil pollution
73210000 - Research consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors