Bottlenecks - Whisky Logistics Study
HITRANS is seeking a suitably qualified consultant to undertake an assessment of the transport requirements of the Scotch Whisky industry in the Highlands and Islands region of Scotland. IN 2013 HITRANS and the SWA commissioned a study into whisky logistics in the Highlands and Islands, identifying the infrastructure barriers to growth in the production of whisky. The project seeks to identify current and future freight needs of the industry, identify any related freight transport issues, and make recommendations for addressing those issues. It should also identify how future transport options can address the climate emergency and help the Scotch Whisky industry deliver its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2045. The project should additionally explore resilience issues of the region’s transport infrastructure that could arise in relation to Scotland’s changing climate. Background and Project Overview We are now seeking a refresh of that work, in the light of increased output, new production sites, and changes to the freight network including ferries. The Highlands and Islands is currently home to 56 Scotch Whisky distilleries. Of these, 21 are located on 8 of the region’s islands. There are also a number of other operational sites within the region including maltings, maturation warehousing and bottling. The industry’s operations depend on freight logistics. Table 1 shows some of the material flows in the production process. This is a simplified diagram showing the main, inputs and outputs. Some sites are fully integrated, and their processes include malting, distillation, maturation and bottling and as a consequence will have different material requirements. At the time of writing, all movements between operational sites take place by road. Ferries are used for island connections. Some malting barley is transported to Islay by a dedicated bulk carrier for malting on the island. Project requirement The broad requirement is to explore the issues relating to the industry’s dependence on Scotland’s infrastructure. A written report is requested which will help the SWA to call on Government, agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the industry’s needs are met. Project Outputs The output for this project is a report to include the following defined chapters: 1.Assessment of the Scotch Whisky industry’s current and future freight needs 2.Current and future transport issues that may affect the Scotch Whisky industry’s operations within the H&I region and connections to and from the region in respect of the industry operations. 3.Recommendations for how issues identified in 2. can be addressed. 4.Identifying decarbonisation options for freight transport the industry relies on in the region. 5.Identifying future resilience issues that may arise as a result of Scotland’s changing climate. The report should be produced in electronic form. Study Management The Consultant will report to HITRANS and SWA at key points during the work including face-to-face at the inception meeting and thereafter in person or by telephone/video conference as required, with a draft report meeting in person towards the end of the project. The venue will normally be in Edinburgh. Bidders may seek clarifications on the tender; responses will be made available to all bidders. Personnel The consultants selected for this commission must demonstrate recent experience of the whisky sector and a good geographical knowledge of the study area, its transport links, the barriers to growth and the potential for exposure to the impacts of climate change. Consultants are expected to demonstrate their capacity to deliver similar projects within comparable timeframes, referring to relevant technical expertise of team members. Selection Consultants will be selected by written submission.
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73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors