Open in a 26 days
BPA Capital Programme BP1
Britten Pears Building (BP1) Full internal refurbishment including new mechanical and electrical services, new toilets and refurbished windows, excluding the Trask Café and Kitchen finishes. Construction of a new lift tower to enable enhanced access to upper floors, facilitated by partial wall and roof removal. Removal of the existing and installation of a new repositioned sprinkler tank in the service yard between the Britten Pears Building and the Concert Hall. General access improvements, including a new entrance ramp and passenger and equipment lift to all floors and the replacement and automation of the entrance doors. Conversion of the first floor practice rooms to provide seven larger multifunction studios/break out spaces. Creation of an accessible top floor multi-purpose activity space, created through internal reconfiguration of the Cranbrook Room. Thermal upgrades to fabric to reduce energy consumption. Transformation of the Peter Pears Recital room into flexible studio and refurbishment of its bleacher seating. Removal of the old technical room to create accessible seating areas. New lighting system, sound and video infrastructure including permanent lighting and AV control position. New wheelchair positions to the upper level and improved wheelchair access to the lower level. Installation of a backstage Technical AV infrastructure throughout the building. External soft and hard landscaping alterations including steps and ramps and car park resurfacing to enable the provision of 3 blue badge parking bays. Works to be carried out in accordance with ecological requirements, including a Reasonable Avoidance Measures (RAMs) Method Statement and Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Carpark and Landscaping (FLD2) This scope is split into three parts, and will include surface upgrades with resin bound gravel and parking bay markings to allow the provision of Blue Badge spaces, with associated lighting improvements. Upgrades will be to the following areas: North car parks, including the Craft Shop and pond-side car parks to North West of the Concert Hall South car park, the Paddock car park to the South East of the Britten Pears Building BPA is seeking a Principal Contractor to complete the above works. The procurement of the works will follow a two stage flexible competitive tender process consisting of the following: - Stage 1: Selection Questionnaire (PQQ), issued on the Central Digital Platform - Stage 2: Tender, issued to successful contractors following Stage 1.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45453100 - Refurbishment work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors