Brewood and Coven Parish Council Bishops Wood Playing Field 2024
The contractor / works will be required to: •To create a more exciting, bright and dynamic area of our play area, that offers accessible and interesting play opportunities. •To remove existing timber castle multi play unit, wooden bench and basket swing frame •All equipment proposed must be Steel structure, hot dip galvanised as a minimum. •No wooden or timber equipment will be accepted. •All Steel structures to have a minimum 30 years warranty by the manufacturer •We aim to include 7 new pieces of equipment including a multi play unit with multiple activities and slide, an accessible spinning item, a roto-moulded basket swing, somersault bars, and 3 or more balance items to fill the space. •The multi-play area would need to consist of 2 or more access/climbing options, 2 towers, a slide, a musical play panel, fireman's pole and a tube joining the two towers together. (alternative suggestions will be considered) •Spinning items considered must either be a spinner bowl set on a 7-degree angle to ensure it spins for less able users without much strength, with the option of a top brace handles to hold onto also. •Groundwork, installation and safety surfacing would need to be undertaken consisting of Heras and welfare, Installation of all pieces of equipment safely and securely. •Supply and Lay new bark top up of 300mm depth to ensure safety compliance around the newly installed Play Equipment. The works must be completed by 20th July 2024. To be considered for the work, the supplier will be required to submit a detailed quote submission with costs, which demonstrates that they can meet the requirements and that they have the necessary skills and experience to undertake the Contract in an effective and cost-efficient manner. Dates 11/04/2024Invitation to quote issued 12/05/2024Deadline for submissions Week beginning 13/05/2024Appraisal of quote submissions Week beginning 20/05/2024Offer of contract Project start on site 6/06/2024Project works due to be started on this date at the latest. 31/08/2024End of contract Timings may be subject to change All quotes should adhere to the "Detailed Information to Tender Document". It is anticipated that a site visit will be required to carry out the quote and arrangements for this can be made with the Clerk. Mary Sambrook (Clerk to BCPC) Tel/Fax: 01902 850809 Email:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
37535200 - Playground equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors