Bridgend Town Heat Network - Design, Build, Operate, Maintain
The Bridgend Town Heat Network project is located adjacent to the centre of Bridgend Town. The scheme is primarily retrofit connecting the existing Bridgend Life Centre, Civic Offices and Bridgend Bowls Centre., The scheme will create an Energy Centre in the plant room of the Bridgend Life Centre which will utilise a gas CHP engine to supply heat and power to the buildings involved in the scheme. Bridgend County Borough Council is the primary building owner within the scheme (although the Life Centre and Bowls Hall are operated by Halo Leisure)., It is anticipated that the contract scope shall include (but is not limited to):, (1) Design and build of:, (a) the energy centre to be located in the Bridgend Life Centre including CHP unit, back-up/ top-up boilers, thermal stores, and all ancillary plant and equipment required to provide heat and electricity to customers in the Phase 1 scheme., (b) the district heating network from the energy centre to all customers in the Phase 1 scheme including the connection of the district heating network to the secondary distribution networks within the customer sites. This may include works on the secondary distribution networks to ensure those networks are suitable for connection to the district heating network., (c) the private wire electricity network from the energy centre to all customers in the Phase 1 scheme., (2) Operation, maintenance (planned and reactive) and repair of all of the assets being designed and built as referred to at (1) above including performance monitoring and reporting and optimisation of plant operation to minimise the use of back-up boilers. The successful contractor will be responsible for the cost of consumables required for the operation and maintenance of the assets. Lifecycle risk will be retained by the ESCO. However, the successful contractor may be required to carry out lifecycle replacement works at the ESCO's cost., (3) Collection and provision of metering data and supporting ESCO with customer interface on operational issues including works and maintenance required at customer premises., The contract will contain the option for the successful contractor to price and carry out the design and build of network extensions to new customers beyond the Phase 1 scheme but the ESCO will reserve the right to benchmark the price of those works and potentially award those works to third party contracts. The contract will require the successful contractor to operate and maintain the network as extended whether or not the contractor has carried out the extension works.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9323000 - District heating
45315100 - Electrical engineering installation works
45232140 - District-heating mains construction work
9300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
45251250 - District-heating plant construction work
42515000 - District heating boiler
45317300 - Electrical installation work of electrical distribution apparatus
44163120 - Distance-heating pipes
45000000 - Construction work
38551000 - Energy meters
71322200 - Pipeline design services
71314000 - Energy and related services
71314310 - Heating engineering services for buildings
45251000 - Construction works for power plants and heating plants
45259300 - Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
71314200 - Energy-management services
9310000 - Electricity
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors