Bright Futures Workshops
Based on the success of the March 2023 pilot and 2024 events, we are looking for provider(s) to develop the Bright Futures model further and explore additional scope, reach and impacts it might have. We would like to work with a provider(s) who can: • Design an application and selection process for sourcing a partner school and identifying and recruiting eligible young people for the project. • Propose and secure locations for two Bright Future events that align with the Investment Zones set out in the Government's 2023 Levelling Up update statement. • Create a safeguarding protocol and arrange parental permissions for use by Innovate UK KTN and other stakeholders. • Develop a targeted marketing strategy and associated campaigns to promote the events to schools, youth organisations, business, investors, and founders. • Leverage their network to recruit diverse professionals in finance, business and entrepreneurship to attend the events. • Deliver pre-programme development training to prepare the young people to participate effectively in the session. • Deliver online drop-in sessions for Founders and Investors to adequately prepare them for their involvement during the events. • Design impact measurement framework to present a clear body of evidence on the outcomes of the events. • Deliver two Bright Future Pitch Day events within the UK using the current pilot model (as shown in the diagram below) to support objectives of the pilot and deliver meaningful engagement. • Review the sessions and present a business case of evidence, outcomes, and funding models to support the future of the programme. • Attend the debrief calls with Innovate UK KTN staff and work with Innovate UK Business Connect teams to understand requirements, timelines, and budgets. Additionally, we require a provider who has: • Deep expertise in motivating and convening diverse audiences and doing so with a difference, • A track record in stimulating systemic change and future shaping programmes in Diversity and Inclusion, • A track record in working with children and has expertise in associate safeguarding matters, • An extensive network that complements Innovate UK KTN's network of entrepreneurs and investors.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors