British Museum Brand and Identity Project Phase II Design
The British Museum is embarking on a complete transformation and as part of that journey we have launched a project to review and re-imagine our brand and our visual/vocal identity. Increasing activity around the Museum’s masterplan, and the arrival of a new museum Director in 2024 makes now the right moment to consider our vision and values, review our brand and move forward with a compelling new approach to how we communicate and present ourselves. The Brand and Identity Project will deliver this transformation. It is being conducted in two phases. In Phase 1 research will be conducted to understand the Museum’s position in the global context followed by a brand audit leading to the creation of a brand strategy. An agency has been appointed to Phase I and work is now underway. In Phase II, which is the subject of this procurement exercise, we are looking for a partner to work with us to translate our new vision and values, and the brand strategy developed in Phase I, into a coherent and compelling visual and vocal identity. This identity should comprise a clear system that conveys the brand idea and narrative in such a way that it can be used and applied consistently to internal and external products and services, across our many audiences, locally, nationally, and globally.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79415200 - Design consultancy services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors