Britned Allocation and Nomination Platform
BritNed Development Limited is tendering for a new capacity Allocation and Nomination IT Platform for the commercial operation of the BritNed Interconnector. The new IT Platform shall allow BritNed to replace functionalities currently hosted and performed by other systems and shall furthermore help to improve BritNed's system driven business functions. The Platform will need to perform a variety of critical 24/7 commercial operations processes such as:, -Different user roles setup and management, -Receipt and/or calculation, verification, management and processing of Interconnector Capability and Net Transfer Capacity, -Calculation, verification, management and processing of Available Transfer Capacity , -Calculation, verification, management and processing of Offered Capacity for all auction types, -Enabling and facilitation of Explicit Auctions and Implicit Auctions/Market Coupling interfacing at various timescales (Long-term, Day Ahead and Intraday) with different auction products and product settings , -Facilitation of Secondary Market activities , -Credit management , -Settlement, invoicing and auditing processes for all timescales, -Calculation / receipt, management and publication of Transmission Rights, -Transmission Rights Curtailment, -Nominations at Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday timescales, -Backup Power Purchase Management , -Interfaces to TSOs for Physical Transmission Rights (PTRs) nomination , -Market Notifications to customers and for regulatory purposes , -Publications to Platform users and external systems , -Business data management, extractions and reporting functions , -Market interfacing throughout the whole commercial process (to TSOs, customers, regulators, Power Exchanges, data warehouses, other IT supplier platforms), The selected supplier shall as part of this tender deliver a customised IT development to establish the new platform for BritNed. Furthermore, the supplier shall offer the solution in form of a turn-key-agreement as a managed service to BritNed. Meaning that the supplier shall not only develop, but also host and operate the platform on behalf of BritNed after the completion of the initial development. Therefore, the supplier will be asked to provide an option for a 24/7 helpdesk function for BritNed and its customers to handle any system process related issues, as well as a 24/7 technical support function to deal with technical issues and failures of the platform or its interfaces that need IT engineering intervention. , The platform shall be hosted to comply with high performance, availability and cyber security requirements. For this, the supplier needs to ensure that that the stated performance, security and availability levels within the business requirements documentation can be met and that the platform contains of a hot standby setup with a geographically separated Disaster Recovery site to ensure operation to all times.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors