Broseley Town Council's Christmas Lights Installation 2024
Details to assist with the tender: Broseley Town Council undertakes the Christmas Lights illuminations within Broseley annually with the aim of enhancing the Town at Christmas time to make it a nicer environment for residents. This tender is for the installation, maintenance, dismantling, and testing of the Christmas Lights. EVALUATION AND AWARDING OF CONTRACT The contract will be awarded to the company that complies with all written requirements, has satisfactory references and offers the best value for money. This contract will be evaluated on the following basis: •Demonstrated ability to deliver similar projects to a high quality 25% •Price fit within the budget £25% •Quality and Value for money 30% •Use of local resources and skills 20% PAYMENT Payment for the completed project will be made to the Contractor on satisfactory completion of works. CONTRACT HEALTH & SAFETY Contractors must comply with all relevant H & S legislation. Measures must be taken to minimize any risk to the public. For example, tools must not be left on the pavement where they could present a trip hazard. Any motor vehicle or plant machinery used must be parked so as not to contravene any parking restrictions and/or present any obstruction to other road users and the public. The Contractor must adhere to the relevant codes of practice and regulations. In particular, the erection, testing and maintenance of the installation must be carried out in accordance with the latest Wiring Regulations (BS 7671) and undertaken by a competent person as laid out in those regulations. The successful contractor will be expected to produce a Health & Safety Information prior to installation. This will include: •Risk Assessment •Method Statement •Schedule of Works •Any other relevant documents such as General Health & Safety at Work Policy, accreditation certificates and staff training certificates. INSURANCE It is a requirement that the contractor is adequately insured, with public liability cover. A copy of your current insurance certificate must be included in with tender response. VARIATIONS Any variations to the contract will be notified to the Contractor by the Town Clerk and agreed in writing between the two parties. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION It will be expected that the Contractor, prior to submitting a tender will have made any necessary site visits and satisfied their self of any access arrangements and any other necessary information required and that the tender is fully inclusive of all costs. A Town Council representative will monitor the work carried out on a regular basis, and any concerns will be reported to the Town Clerk who will agree an appropriate course of action with the Contractor. All tenders received will be considered by the Town Council on 9 July and all tenders will receive a response from the Town Council week commencing week commencing 12 July 2024
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
31600000 - Electrical equipment and apparatus
31527200 - Exterior lights
31522000 - Christmas tree lights
Status :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors