BTA1996 - Enhancing Accessibility Information (Tourism Venues) - Lot 2 Accessibility Features Question Set
VisitEngland (VE) plays a key role in facilitating an accessible and inclusive tourism industry. In support of the Government's ambition for the UK to become the most accessible tourism destination in Europe, VE wishes to improve the holiday planning experience for visitors with a wide range of accessibility requirements by advancing a two-part approach to enhancing accessibility information. To save time and energy when researching a trip, people with accessibility requirements require the ability to filter lists of places to stay and visit based on key accessibility features. They should then be able to access full and detailed access information, in the form of an Accessibility Guide, in order to make the final choice of venue. This requirement is being Procured under the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 due to the income generation value for Lot 1. Interested suppliers must note that this requirement is divided into the following Lots: Lot 2 ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES QUESTION SET VE requires the supplier to develop a question set that tourism product distributors will use to gather data on the top accessibility features of venues they list, allowing them to display this information as part of venue listings on their websites. As the work comprises two distinct parts, it is divided into two Lots and to ensure the work can advance concurrently, we are seeking a different supplier for each Lot. However, the interdependence of the two Lots requires the two suppliers to work closely to achieve success and ensure consistency for disabled people and their companions. It will be particularly important that the Lot 1 supplier actively inputs into Lot 2 works as a critical partner.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors