Build and Deployment of Data Visualisation Web-Based Applications
The Catapult is undertaking an exercise to appoint a suitable, capable and experienced designer and developer of of web-based applications. Tombolo is a 3-year innovation project being carried out by the Future Cities Catapult and Space Syntax to develop products and services to help city authorities better use data to improve their cities. Work to date has included making a piece of software (the digital connector) to automate the connection of data sets and implementation of statistical models. In parallel to this, our work has used the digital connector and other data sources to generate analytics and insight for city-oriented challenges.The supplier will meet the following deliverables: 1. Design of one combined web-based application for the "Access to" and "City-Index" data models, which is modular and scalable 2. Production of one combined web-based application for the "Access to" and "City-Index" data models 3. Web-based applications deployed and fully tested 4. Software Code and Designs for the applications shared 5. Software Documentation and Knowledge Transfer session with our in-house Software Development team - including deployment on our cloud infrastructure (AWS) 3.25 There are no ongoing support requirements from the supplier. We expect the solutions to be scalable and built so that they can be edited by our in-house software development team. We will sign off the deliverables after on receipt of documentation and a knowledge transfer session.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors