Building Better Opportunities 'Progress': Invitation to Tender - Enrichment & Volunteering (Warwickshire)
Call for Specialist Partner or Partners • Enrichment & Volunteering (Warwickshire) REF: CovW/1/3/EV Groundwork UK is seeking partners to provide specialist support and activities to young people participating in Progress: Building Better Opportunities in Coventry and Warwickshire. Building Better Opportunities (BBO) Progress is co-financed by Big Lottery Fund (BLF) and European Social Fund (ESF). Enrichment & Volunteering REF: CovW/1/3/EV Groundwork UK is looking for a Specialist Partner or Partners to deliver development activities, volunteering and enrichment opportunities to the target group of young people across Warwickshire (especially in the south and east of the county). Proposals are sought from organisations that can help increase the scope and variety of development activities that Progress Coaches can offer to young people, in the form of training, programmes of activity, or volunteering that can help young people build the confidence and skills needed to progress toward positive outcomes. Progress will support at least 840 young people aged 15-24 years old to overcome the personal barriers and challenges preventing them from engaging positively in learning or work, and will provide a clear pathway for young people to increase their skills and take the first steps on their future career path through training or employment Please see attached the invitations to tender with further information. The submission deadline is 11:59am, Tuesday 9th May 2017. Queries relating to the specification should be addressed to, marked "BBO Partnership Tender" in the subject line, by no later than midday, Wednesday 3rd May 2017. Please be aware we are also tendering for a Specialist Partner or Partners to deliver mental health support to the target group of young people across Coventry & Warwickshire (Mental Health REF: CovW/1/3/MH).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85310000 - Social work services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors