Building interactive web mappers to disseminate seabed habitat and marine protected area spatial data
Build new production and staging web mappers to disseminate seabed habitat and marine protected area spatial data. Background to Project This project aims to build web-based mapping interfaces to disseminate spatial data in two of JNCC's marine work areas: seabed habitats mapping and Marine Protected Area (MPA) implementation. Two new production and two new staging interactive web mappers, backed by a common spatial data infrastructure, are required to replace existing systems: EMODnet Seabed Habitats web mapper JNCC currently coordinates the Seabed Habitats project as part of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) initiative. Since 2009, the project has developed and improved a broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe's seabed, known as EUSeaMap. This and other products are provided for public use on an interactive web mapper. JNCC MPA web map web mapper JNCC generates data on MPAs in the UK offshore marine area and integrates these with data from other statutory agencies to create MPA datasets for all UK waters (inshore and offshore). A UK MPA interactive mapper allows this spatial and tabular information to be displayed interactively, so that users can visualise, explore and query the sites, habitats and species within the UK MPA network. The new web mappers will be developed using well-supported, modern and open-source libraries to deliver more effective and efficient systems for presenting and sharing JNCC's seabed habitat and MPA spatial data. The web mappers will be built upon a spatial data infrastructure comprising of a cloud-based PostgreSQL/Post GIS database, GeoServer instance and GeoNetwork metadata.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72413000 - World wide web WWW site design services
72212326 - Mapping software development services
38221000 - Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent)
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors