Business Continuity (BC) Suite within Spring Place.
Following the vulnerability assessment of the HM Coastguard business system conducted during late summer 2020, it is necessary to establish a dedicated Business Continuity (BC) Suite within Spring Place. The refurbishment and IT fit out of a new permanent Business Continuity Suite at Spring Place is nearing completion, but in order to move to Operational use, the facility needs to have a resilient power supply to support 24/7 working. The original plan to include these works in the refurbishment project was unsuccessful and as such the permanent solution is being delivered as a standalone project by Mitie. The Mitie led design and build project will not be complete before the summer change freeze hence the requirement for a temporary solution.This temporary solution will facilitate the move of the existing DR IT infrastructure platform from the NMOC to Spring Place before the summer (currently scheduled to move during the first week of June with the work being carried out by Capita) and allow Coastguard to achieve operational status.Failure to provide resilient power will prevent the move of the DR IT platform and prevent the BC suite being used as a DR facility until the autumn. Approval for the temporary hire has been authorised by Matthew Briggs and James Sturt, with funding identified for a maximum hire period of 26 weeks. The installation should provide an N+1 400V 3 phase UPS & battery solution capable of providing 100KVa, housed within an external enclosure together with a standby generator to automatically activate in the event of a mains power failure. Installation will include all labour and materials to facilitate the connection of a suitably sized supply between the existing Main LV Panel and DB UPS3 as previously surveyed. Due to the expected peak of coastal & seaside leisure activity this summer following a release from the Covid lockdown, it is imperative that the temporary solution is installed and running on or before Saturday 22nd May 2021 an
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