Business Omnibus Survey (Monthly Business Survey Questions)
The Department for Business & Trade (DBT) needs to commission monthly survey questions via a monthly Business Opinion Omnibus Survey to help monitor the impact of changes in business and economic conditions on businesses; to gather data and evidence to better understand how businesses are coping with any changes; and so that policies can be developed to help businesses adjust to changes in economic circumstances. The questions need to be asked as part of a Business Omnibus survey, so as to reduce costs as such a survey consists of questions from multiple research clients. The sampling and screening costs are also shared across clients, as well as the use of a mixture of Multiple Choice, Multiple Selection, and Free Text Questions, to further reduce costs. DBT will use the data tables received from the supplier to summarise and write up the results internally, which also reduces the cost and increases the speed of delivery. We would like the monthly survey process to occur at the start of the month, so that we can receive the data delivery on the same date each month (or next working day where applicable). The survey should be 'in the field' for a maximum of 15 days from survey wave open. Data delivery should occur no later than one week after survey wave close each month. We have no expectation regarding the number of years of experience the supplier must have. However, the supplier must be able to demonstrate how they intend to create (or use an existing) a proportionate, representative, and accurate business panel from a panel of business owners and/or business senior management. The supplier should have the following accreditations: - ISO20252 Conformity: Standard for market, opinion, and social research. - Market Research Society (MRS) Accreditation - European Society for Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR) Membership - ISO27001 Conformity: Information Security Management
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79311000 - Survey services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors