C0617a: Adult and Community Learning Services in London Research and Consultancy
London Councils is commissioning this work on behalf of the four sub-regional partnerships in London, and the Greater London Authority (GLA). London boroughs, via sub-regional partnerships and London Councils, and the GLA have been working together on developing proposals for devolution and public service reform. These proposals cover a range of policy areas including adult skills. It is expected that the government will devolve the Adult Education Budget (AEB) to the Mayor from 2019/20 onwards. The GLA is working with boroughs, sub-regional partnerships and other stakeholders to develop a London Skills Strategy, part of which will inform the priorities for the devolved AEB. London local government is looking for additional independent support and expertise to work with us to: •Identify a role and distinct focus for future ACL activity versus wider AEB funding delivered by FE colleges, boroughs and independent training providers, presenting a rationale for this and being clear how ACL fits into the wider employment and skills agenda. This should include identifying and prioritising the beneficiaries and activities of ACL provision, recognising the links to other key priorities for London such as social inclusion, health and well-being. The role and focus of ACL activity should be coherent and agreed at a pan-London level. •Develop an approach for commissioning ACL services so that they are effective, address need and have clear and measurable impact. The approach should identify the outcomes ACL services in London should deliver; and, following from that, how funding could be allocated to ACL services in London. The approach should clearly show how it could demonstrate improved impact of funding for ACL. •Identify what pan-London policies would be needed to support this approach. •Identify the available data and Labour Market Information (LMI) needed to underpin and deliver this approach and how this could this be used in the commissioning process.
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1 Possible Competitors