CA3381 - Fully Managed Pathology Services
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust ("ANHSFT") is the contracting authority on behalf of Integrated Laboratory Solutions LLP, (the "Laboratory LLP") created in February 2016 as a collaboration between Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ("BTHFT") and ANHSFT in order to deliver fully integrated pathology services to ANHSFT, BTHFT and surrounding communities. ANHSFT is seeking a contractor to provide a Fully Managed Pathology Service contract (the "Contract"). The Contract includes (but is not limited to) the procurement and supply of pathology equipment (analysers, laboratory tracking and sample management systems, associated software, reagents, consumables and associated small scale equipment) to undertake a range of tests that meet the performance and availability requirements, the provision of user training and expert safety management, the supply of on-going managed equipment maintenance, replacement and renewal to ensure required performance and availability outcomes are achieved providing a high quality cost-effective fully accredited and regulatory compliant pathology service. - To access this competition: login to and view the opportunity CA3381. Not registered on MultiQuote - visit then register and quote CA3381 as the reason for registration. Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38434500 - Biochemical analysers
38434520 - Blood analysers
48000000 - Software package and information systems
33698000 - Clinical products
38434580 - Immunoassay analysers
71900000 - Laboratory services
39180000 - Laboratory furniture
45215146 - Pathology room construction work
38434540 - Biomedical equipment
33696200 - Blood-testing reagents
38434000 - Analysers
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
38434550 - Blood-cell counters
38434570 - Haematology analysers
33698100 - Microbiological cultures
33910000 - Pathology dissection instruments and supplies
85111800 - Pathology services
33696500 - Laboratory reagents
50400000 - Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment
85148000 - Medical analysis services
48180000 - Medical software package
33694000 - Diagnostic agents
33696300 - Chemical reagents
51430000 - Installation services of laboratory equipment
80531200 - Technical training services
42931100 - Laboratory centrifuges and accessories
85111810 - Blood analysis services
39181000 - Laboratory benching
38434560 - Chemistry analyser
45214610 - Laboratory building construction work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors