Cafe/Youth Hub, Old Cattle Market, Camelford
Camelford Town Council (CTC) is a forward-thinking, proactive town council, keen to regenerate Camelford by creating high quality facilities and enhancing existing facilities for all its residents to improve social and cultural cohesion. Its aim is to improve the places and spaces in Camelford, enabling people to come together and build strong relationships. CTC want to enable people to fulfil their potential by offering employment and/or volunteering opportunities, take part in community events (thus creating a sense of belonging) and involve as many people in our projects so that they feel a sense of ownership. CTC is looking to regenerate the Old Cattle Market site in the Summer of 2020 from a derelict historical site, into a multi-use, inclusive recreational facility. This facility will meet the needs of our local community, the villages and towns in the surrounding area and bring in visitors and tourists to help regenerate Camelford, a once thriving market town. The project includes a multi-use court (basketball, netball, dodgeball, tennis and five-a-side football), parkour area, outside gym equipment, community gardens, café/youth hub, waterless toilet, and creation of an additional skate-able surface with lower boxes and rails to cater for younger children. Extensive community engagement has formed this vision. The facilities and activities it proposes to offer are those that have been identified by our community. A wish to make life that little bit better, more enjoyable and more conducive to a sociable life where people will spend time together in a place they enjoy, with activities that will provide people with the confidence and skills to achieve their ambitions. Anti-social behaviour, low self-esteem, low aspiration are current issues in Camelford. This project seeks to show our community, especially our children/young people, that they are worth investing in, and provide a network of people who can guide, teach and inspire them. CTC believes that the facilities and activities proposed are the most effective response to the issues that Camelford faces. This regeneration will complement existing provision within our Town. It is realistic, sustainable and has full support of the community, the Town Council, local schools and businesses, local organisations and Cornwall Council. CTC is purchasing a 20ft x 6ft container to house the café. Consultation revealed that people would like a creperie. This has the additional benefit of providing a food that is not currently served in Camelford, and therefore does not "step on any toes". This is important to CTC. Camelford currently has 3 café/tea rooms, and so it is looking to provide something different. Street food/Thai/Indian served in the evenings would be desirable.
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1 Possible Competitors