Call-Off Contract under G-cloud 13 for the Provision of an Internet and Intranet GIS Solution
Top level requirements for the project will be to provide a joint Internet/Intranet solution from one provider, to reduce administration tasks and integration between both solutions. It will be cost effective and agile in its approach. The Intranet GIS will be technically advanced enough to perform many simple GIS tasks that were once only possible in full 'desktop' GIS software packages. It will be user friendly and accessible to all users within the Council and not limited by user licencing. The Internet GIS will replicate current functionality (map-based presentation of data), reporting via a map, and be easy to integrate. It is assumed that most Internet GIS will provide the functionality required for Local Government GI needs, with added value in how it is implemented, but the most value we hope to gain is with a more advanced Intranet GIS solution, to give all Council staff the ability to use geographic information effectively, this must include the ability to edit data. The G-Cloud 13 framework will be used as Calderdale are looking to purchase software as SAAS (Software as a Service) as the preferred option.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors