Cambridge City Council - Building Cleaning Council Buildings and Public Toilets
Cambridge City Council (The Council) is calling for bids to fulfil its building cleaning services for Administration, commercial buildings, community centres, operational buildings and Public Toilets.r The contract will be split in to two (2) lots.r r •Lot 1: Administration, commercial buildings, community centres and operational buildingsr •Lot 2: Public toiletsr r A contract term is initially 3 years, with an option to extend by 2 years then up to 2 further years, if the supplier is performing satisfactorily, and the service can be shown to continue to provide best value to the Council; this gives a maximum possible contract length of 7 years.r r Assessment - price: quality tender assessment split of 40% price: 60% qualityr r The current contract is due to end on the 31st March 2024.r r The Council is looking to award a single contract.r r LOT OVERVIEWSr r LOT 1 - Administration, commercial buildings, community centres and operational buildings.r r Cambridge City Council (the Council) is committed to providing a high standard of cleaning to its administrative and Operational Buildings. The Council is therefore seeking the services of a Supplier to provide a quality managed building cleaning service to all establishments identified to the standards set out within this specification.r r The aim of the cleaning service is to ensure that the areas are left in a fit state for office and other users to undertake roles in a pleasantly clean environment with waste receptacles, desks and general fabric of the space cleaned to an acceptable standard. Cleaning tasks should be undertaken to minimise inconvenience to the office users as stipulated within this specification.r r Lot 1 is for the provision of cleaning services for Administrative and Operational Buildings spread across Cambridge (comprising):- r •The civic and other main administrative offices r •The offices located at the Council's main depotr •A local office building for City Homes.r •4 commercial industrial/business building sites.r •3 community centresr •Reception and associated areas at 4 commercial office buildingsr •5 leisure pavilions and associated facilities at varying frequencies during the playing seasons.r r LOT 2 - Public Toiletsr r Cambridge City Council is committed to providing a high standard of cleaning to its public toilets. Cambridge City Council is therefore seeking the services of a Supplier to provide the Council with a quality managed cleaning service to all establishments identified and to the standards set out within this specification.r r The contract is for the provision of cleaning services for public toilets (comprising):r r The opening, closing, cleaning (requiring multiple visits each day) and limited minor maintenance of 15 toilet blocks across the City including provision of full-time attendance services at 1 facility.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90910000 - Cleaning services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors