Cambridge City Council - Hybrid Mailing and Printing for Cambrdge City and Huntingdonshire District Councils
The Councils' (Cambridge City and Huntingdonshire District Councils) are looking to create a framework for hybrid mail (printing posting of external correspondence) and general and specific printing. The framework will be for 4 years with a possible 2 call-offs up to 3 years making a maximum of 6 years. The proposal is to carry out an OJEU competitive tender with negotiation for online service(s) to deliver the different functionality required - as Lots - for bulk printing and mailing, document production and specialist printing. The organisation has a desire to save 10% on annual hybrid mail costs but recognises print volumes are declining due to email and web-based correspondence. This contract will be utilising a Lot structure as follows: Lot 1 - General Hybrid mail - Print, insert and dispatch day to day variable data letters which could include variable or fixed data inserts Lot 2 - Revenue & Benefits Hybrid Mail - Print, insert and dispatch council tax and benefit notifications which will include day to day bills, reminders, summonses and complete annual billing fulfilment Lot 3 - Electoral Registration Hybrid Mail - All election printing, post and dispatch including polling day printing Lot 4 - General Printing - Generally fixed data printing which could include larger volumes, colour magazines, letterheads, booklets and committee agendas. Additionally, a range of print finishing options including spiral/comb binding and stapling is included within this category Lot 5 - Specialist - Could include banners and posters suitable for external use, specialist Never Tear paper and hologram printing Lot 6 - Local / Urgent Print (HDC) - (max of 10k p.a. ) Lot 7 - Local / Urgent Print (CCC) - (max of 10k p.a)
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
64216120 - Electronic mail services
79820000 - Services related to printing
79811000 - Digital printing services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors