Cambridge City Council - Senior Management Team Onboarding
Cambridge City Council has embarked on a transformation journey that will reshape the council into a modern, responsible authority capable of meeting and responding to the demands being placed upon public services quickly, cooperatively and within the financial frameworks and conditions prevailing at that time. To enable these ambitions, the council has created a programme 'Our Cambridge'1 that will create the operational capacity and capability to deliver the transformation over the next 2-3 years. A key enabler of the programme involves the creation of a new leadership structure2, which will allow for more empowerment from staff as well as greater capacity to lead and land transformation initiatives. This piece of work is the first focused on leadership, with a separate project focused on wider management training also being focused on in Summer 2023. We have already begun the consultation process with impacted staff and are looking to have a new leadership team in place by June 2023. We are seeking assistance from an experienced organisation who will help to land and onboard the new leadership team, both internal and external appointments. This onboarding will require the successful partner to help build efficient collaboration and trust amongst this group, helping them to demonstrate and champion the Cambridge City leadership qualities (Authentic, Outcome-Driven, Empathetic Collaborator, Influential, Ambitious, Courageous). This work will be completed alongside an internal 'getting up to speed' onboarding, to ensure all leadership staff are aware of key projects/programmes of work currently happening within the Council. We are looking for the appointed company to provide expertise and guidance to leadership in further developing their behavioural strength areas, as well as helping to develop their opportunities to grow.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79600000 - Recruitment services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors