Cambridgeshire County Council Specialist Transport Planning Services Consultancy - East West Rail Eastern Section Project
Quotations are invited for the provision of consultancy services for the provision of specialist transport planning services for the East West Rail Eastern Section project. The purpose of this new study is to undertake a fundamental re-assessment of the economic drivers that potentially comprise the key elements of the case for securing the necessary investment for re-opening rail links east of Bedford to centres of population in East Anglia and to identify the key economic links that need to be provided by such a rail link. The primary deliverable from this study should be documented as a series of 'conditional outputs' and will form an initial Phase 1 in the development of the central section project. The successful bidder will also be required to attend: • Monthly progress meetings with the EWRC Client Group to report on progress of the study relative to the agreed Programme and Milestone Schedule. • Initial meetings with the Department for Transport and Network Rail; • A final meeting to present final report to either AGM or General meeting of the EWR Consortium
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors