Cardiac Perfusion — Tubing Packs and Oxygenators.
Provision of perfusion tubing set for use in Cardiopulmonary bypass surgical procedures. The Board will advertised in 2 lots to reflect the option of either a tubing set with additional affinity filter Lot 1, or alternatively a tubing set with oxygenator integrated arterial filter Lot 2.A Drawing of our current tubing set will be provided, with the required modifications stated. These are mainly amended lengths for tubes.Tenderers will be required to submit one unsterile sample of their proposed tubing set.Shortlisted suppliers will be required to supply 4 sterile tubing sets for in theatre use evaluation by perfusionists and cardiac surgeons.It is intended to have a sole supplier for our requirement for 1 400 tubing sets per year. The Board intend to award either Lot 1 or Lot 2 for the requirement of 1 400 per annum.We have a separate requirement for Oxygenators and may consider a joint offer of packs including the supply of Oxygenators. Oxygenators will be considered on a 70/30 split of business as well as a 100 % sole award.The Board will also consider the option of supply packaging that includes a clinical waste disposal container as part of the packaging.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33140000 - Medical consumables
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors