Cardiology Clinical Advice Service (CCAS) & Community Direct Access Echocardiogram and Ambulatory ECG Service
The Commissioning Authority is seeking suitably qualified and experienced providers of healthcare services to provide the Cardiology Clinical Advice Service (CCAS) & Community GP Direct Access Echocardiogram and Ambulatory ECG Service for the Herts Valleys area. The first stage of the process will be the completion of our electronic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire at: SERVICE DESCRIPTION The aim of this service change is to increase capacity in the system as a whole and provide care in the right place at the time, thus improving outcomes for patients. It also addresses the CCG’s vision for care to be more integrated and accessible to promote earlier diagnosis and better care, and to empower patients to self- manage. The service will reduce outpatient attendances, and tackle current health inequalities in Herts Valleys by improving access across the localities and reducing variation in primary care through supportive training and education. The proposed scheme for Community Cardiology under this procurement will address the following elements: 1. A GP Direct Access Echocardiogram and Ambulatory ECG Service that will provide this cardiology diagnostic test for patients aged over 16 years. The service will be provided in each of the four localities providing equitable access for our population. This scheme proposes that moving Echocardiograms and ambulatory ECG into the community will result in a reduction of cost per test and improved patient experience. The service specification describes the service, the model, the aims and objectives and desired outcomes/KPIs over three years. 2 A Cardiology Clinical Advice Service. Effective co-ordination of cardiology services is key to the success of the proposed service model. The Cardiology Clinical Advice Service (CCAS) will provide Herts Valleys GPs access to cardiac specialist advice for their patients. The advice will be provided by either a Cardiology Consultant or a GPwSi in Cardiology. The aim of the service is to provide comprehensive advice and management plans to GP’s for patients with Cardiology Conditions. This will allow primary care clinicians to access diagnostic tests, facilitate medicines reconciliation and increase the efficiency of care pathways that cross the interface of primary, community and secondary care.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors