Care and Treatment Review (CTR) Support Service
Nottingham City CCG seeks bids from suitably qualified suppliers to provide the Care and Treatment Review Support Service for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County CCGs. As part of NHS England’s commitment to improving the care of people with learning disabilities and autism, Care and Treatment Reviews (CTRs) were developed with the aim of reducing admissions and unnecessarily lengthy stays in hospitals. CTRs bring together those responsible for commissioning and procuring services for individuals who are at risk of admission or who are inpatients in specialist mental health or learning disability hospitals, with independent clinical opinion and the lived experience of people with learning disabilities and their families. The process focuses on whether the person is safe, if they’re getting good care now, what their plans are for the future, and if care and treatment be provided in the community. The aims and objectives of the CTR Support Service are to: •Arrange and carry out CTRs in Nottinghamshire and nationally when required, for service users registered with Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County CCGs. •Provide flexibility of service in order to arrange reviews at short notice for pre-admission CTRs, and for people who are newly admitted and require a CTR within ten working days of admission. •Arrange planned CTRs for people who are experiencing longer term admissions, to ensure they are reviewed every six months or more often when required, in line with national guidance. •Support families and people with learning disabilities in being listened to and being equal partners in their own care and treatment pathway, whilst remaining mindful that family involvement may not be appropriate in every case. •Work with commissioners, health and social care teams to achieve the following goals: oPrevent people with learning disabilities being admitted unnecessarily into inpatient learning disability and mental health hospital beds by exploring community options and additional packages of support. oEnsure any admission is supported by a clear rationale of planned assessment and treatment with measurable outcomes and timescales. •Promote all parties to work together with the person and their family to encourage positive risk taking and support discharge into the community (or to a less restrictive setting) at the earliest opportunity. •Support a constructive and person-centred process of challenge to current care and treatment plans where necessary. •Identify barriers to progress and make clear and constructive recommendations for how these could be overcome. •Collate data regarding the broad-ranging outcomes and themes of the CTRs in order to support commissioning teams in understanding the needs of the service user population and any gaps in local service provision.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors