Care In Care Homes Leadership Programme Service on behalf of NHS North West London (NW London) Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
NHS North West London (NW London) Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) is looking to engage with appropriately qualified and experienced providers to express their interest to inform the design of a Care In Care Homes Leadership Programme Service. The aim of this early market engagement exercise is also to gauge potential interest in this contract opportunity and field for innovative proposals to improve the current drafted service specification (attached). Feedback received will assist to determine the procurement strategy including whether a competitive procurement process is appropriate. In order to meet the challenges facing the care home workforce in NW London, a number of recommendations have been outlined, as part of the STP efforts, aimed at investing more in optimising the skills of care home staff so that they feel at the heart of an integrated team that spans community, primary, mental health, social care, voluntary sector and specialist care. Our belief is that this will lead for better outcomes for the residents of care homes. This service specification relates to the first component of the wider care home workforce development plans which is 'care in care homes leadership programme'. This contract is asking for: •A fixed price for the attraction, recruitment (recruitment needs to be done in liaison with LA and CCG commissioners who should jointly be responsible for nominating and agreeing the homes to be offered the training) and the completion of the leadership support programme activities as set out in appendix 1 of the Service Specification for a minimum of 30 registered managers in care homes starting from January 2018; •A fixed price for the attraction, recruitment (recruitment needs to be done in liaison with LA and CCG commissioners who should jointly be responsible for nominating and agreeing the homes to be offered the training) and completion of the leadership support programme activities as set out in appendix 1 of the Service Specification for up to 70 additional registered managers in care homes - providing the fixed price as a per head value for which recruitment is completed by end February 2018; The expected contract value will be for maximum value of £125,000. Expressions of interest are now invited by way of completion and return of the attached Market Engagement Questionnaire by 5pm, 11th October 2017.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors