Care Plan Management System and Interoperability Infrastructure
Database and operating software package. Database systems. Database software package. Database-management system. Summary of the RequirementWest Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) is planning to purchase a computer system and associated support services to provide:1. An electronic care plan management system (CPMS), and2. An interoperability infrastructure to facilitate the CPMSThe primary goal is to improve the care that is provided to patients. The system is expected to achieve this through more integrated and efficient working of staff and services involved in care, and greater involvement of patients through access to the system.The CCG expects that the system will be implemented in a phased manner with initial operability between General Practitioners (GPs), acute palliative care, community care and hospices, in place and working before the end of March 2015. Responders will be expected to demonstrate that they can meet this requirement using their current product set without the need for major development work. The CCG may consider joint bids where responders cannot meet the requirements in full on their own.Care Plan Management System RequirementsManagement of care plans for patients is a strategic requirement for the CCG and is included in its five year strategy - Mapping the Future. Care plans include, but are not limited to:- Long term conditions- Anticipatory care plans- End of life care plansThe vision is to provide a single CPMS, linked to all relevant providers and accessible to patients and their carers, that will improve patient outcomes, increase the efficiency of care plan management, and add value way-and-above what might be achieved from just interconnecting systems.The system will need to provide/collect information in real-time at the point of use wherever the users are. The interoperability between different organisations with different information needs will necessitate sophisticated control of access to information and patient consent. The system will also need to be quick and intuitive to use, supported by a high level of functionality and advanced features to reduce the workload on users.Interoperability Infrastructure RequirementsThe ability to connect and interoperate with GP and care providers' systems is seen as a key component in delivering the CPMS. However, the CCG expects that other requirements - such as shared patient records - will require a similar interoperability infrastructure. The CCG wants the chosen system to meet the initial requirement for CPMS but be able to be expanded to address other requirements in the future with minimal effort.Procurement ProcessInterested parties will be invited to respond to a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire which will be used to select a list of suppliers to receive an Invitation to Tender (ITT). ITT responses will be assessed to produce a shortlist of no more than 3 suppliers who will take place in detailed discussions and negotiations to select the final solution.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48612000 - Database-management system
48610000 - Database systems
48611000 - Database software package
48600000 - Database and operating software package
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors