Carer Specialist Information, Advice and Support Service (Lewisham)(2018)
With an estimated population of 301,300 Lewisham is the 14th largest borough in London by population size and the 5th largest in Inner London. In the 2011 Census 22,521 people in Lewisham self-identified as an unpaid carer. This represented about 1 person in every 12 Lewisham residents. The population is set to continue to grow, by the time of the 2021 Census it is expected to reach 323,000 and this could mean at least 26,000 carers. However, the challenge for society and providers is that not all residents necessarily recognise the title of 'carer': yet they still fulfil this important role and may need help to recognise if they need support. The Carer Information, Support and Advice Service will •meet the information & advice needs of carers in different circumstances, at different stages of their caring journey and where the nature of their caring differs (see range of conditions in 1.1 above) e.g. through website, neighbourhood outreach, neighbourhood support groups, printed material, technological tools, responsive & practical advice ; •recognise and promote the importance of self-care and self-management to add value to independence and wellbeing of carers e.g. carers benefitting from opportunities for self-reflection; •recognise and promote the value of personal relationships & community networks ('asset-based approaches' -to include piloting how interventions by volunteers might effectively support unpaid carers ) or , for some carers, help them nurture the development of such networks, which can help support them in their caring role •facilitate the ability for other professionals to offer timely advice or support and which will help prevent or delay carers' need for intensive support, enabling them to continue caring whilst leading independent lives
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1 Possible Competitors