Cashless financial support for students and provision of online student marketplace
1.2.The Inspire scheme which has run since 2018 has benefited a wide range of students, particularly those from widening participation backgrounds. Not only have the funds been used to purchase learning resources, but also the opportunity to use the funds for club or Students' Union Society memberships has enabled participation in activities, adding to students' sense of belonging.1.3.A benefit to the University has been the opportunity to track student expenditure and gain insight into spending patterns and choices. The scheme allows us to provide the level of reporting required by the Office for Students (OfS) and to effectively evaluate the benefit of offering the funds.1.4.Through the scheme we aim to enhance student experience and be more digitally enabled. The scheme would provide financial support to all our Undergraduate students, enable us to understand how the funding is being used and the impact it has, and allow us to provide specific support to our partners including the Students' Union by targeting student spend to them. It would also support our annual monitoring return to the OfS and enable us to meaningfully measure the impact of the financial students we offer to WP students.
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39162000 - Educational equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors