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Castlehead High School Roof Strengthening
The works comprise of the installation of additional steelwork within the gym and games hall areas of the school to provide additional support for existing RAAC concrete panels forming the roof deck. This will included taking down lighting and main heating and water pipework for structural installation. The works are including but not limited to: 1. Establish contractor's compound and isolate PE block from the rest of the school. 2. Establish method for marshalling deliveries. 3. Protect existing flooring at each entrance and other areas where there will be repeated movement of trolleys etc. Note that the floor to all the Gyms are only capable of supporting an imposed load of 5kN/m2 and any internal storage or access equipment must be conform to these limits 4. Remove existing lighting in Boys Gym, Girl's Gym, Fitness Suite and Games Hall, all in accordance with Electrical Engineer's proposals. 5. Isolate, drain down and remove the Radiant Heating Panels in Boys Gym, Girl's Gym and Games Hall all as per Mechanical Engineer's proposals and lay the units aside for re-use. 6. Remove the air handling plant within the Fitness suite and lay aside for re-use 7. Isolate, drain down and remove the 13 No main school heating pipe running across the Girl's Gym ceiling in strict accordance with Mechanical Engineer's proposals and lay aside for re-use. 8. Install strengthening steelwork to all 4 Halls, as per Structural Engineer's proposals, working on at least 2 halls at any one time. Priority to be given to the Girl's Gym to ensure the main school Heating pipes can be reinstated at the earliest opportunity. Where working from mobile access platforms, establish procedures to install the steelwork and then have it signed off prior to the mobile access being moved. 9. Reinstall Radiant Heating panels and Air Handling Equipment as each area of strengthening work is completed. 10. Fit new lighting fixtures as per Electrical Engineer's proposals.
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1 Possible Competitors