Category Management Service Provider contracts for NHS Supply Chain
As part of the future Target Operating Model of NHS Supply Chain, the Authority is seeking to award contracts for the provision of category management services for each of the four defined Product Groups. The procurement will be conducted under a single procurement containing four Lots. Lot 1: Medical Consumables - Surgical Consumables and Infection ControlLot 2: Medical Consumables - Rehabilitation and Community Lot 3: Non-Medical - Food; andLot 4: Non: Medical - Facilities (including Office Solutions)A copy of the Procurement Documentation, including the Descriptive Document, can be obtained from the eProcurement Portal as described within this Contract Notice.Each contract will be for an initial period of forty-five months (excluding the anticipated three month implementation period) and may be extended for up to an additional twenty-four months subject to achieving the relevant criteria set out in the contract. The total operative period of the contract, following implementation, shall not exceed sixty-nine months.The Authority intends to enter into contractual arrangements under which it will be entitled to appoint Category Management Service Providers (CMSPs) to operate on behalf of NHS Supply Chain. Under this contractual agreement the CMSPs will procure frameworks for the provision of supplies and/or services which it will make available for purchase by: 1) NHS Supply Chain, 2) any NHS Trust; 3) any other NHS entity or healthcare provider (including private organisations, primary care, community settings and social care); 4) any government department, agency, or other statutory body (including Devolved Authorities, Crown Dependencies and/or Pandemic & Emergency Planning Programmes), and/or 5) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector on behalf of a public-sector organisation listed in 1) to 4) above.SCCL is seeking a supplier that can:- implement Category and Sourcing Strategies that will promote market growth and deliver the agreed savings in the agreed timescales.- deliver range management services, in line with the Authority’s Clinical and Product Assurance Framework, that deliver the optimal range of products to the Customers ensuring that product choice is aligned with clinical quality assessments and balanced against sufficient market competition to ensure sustainability of competitive supply- work to identify and enable Customer savings opportunities, to include, but not limited to, switching products and routes to market;- enable and implement a variety of Customer savings levers that also promote market growth.- provide an efficient and effective service to Customers, Product Suppliers and other areas of the NHS Supply Chain Operating Model;- provide a flexible, responsive and supportive service that enables these organisations to operate effectively, minimise their costs and conduct their activities without delay- work with other parts of the NHS Supply Chain Operating Model, the Authority and the NHS to ensure that information, data and reports are managed and delivered to enable improved working relationships and an overall system that combines to provide an efficient, effective and improved service to Customers.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79418000 - Procurement consultancy services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors