Catering operator for Victoria Park, Stafford
Stafford Borough Council in partnership with the National Heritage Lottery Fund is restoring and enhancing Victoria Park in Stafford town centre. The Park is situated next the train station and sees over 600,000 footfall per year. It has a thriving and successful playpark and is a gem within the town. The complete masterplan for the project can be found on our website the masterplan boasts a new events space and restored bandstand as well as a new training and education facility within the park grounds. Also as part of this high profile project, a brand new catering facility will be built in a prime location next to the river, and will provide indoor and outdoor seating for park visitors. Dependant on configuration it will cater for 32 indoor covers and 48 external covers with sheltered seating. The total café area is 125m2 including 60m2 of external decking. Internally, there is a small kitchen and dining area of 49m2. It has disabled toilet facilities and a small store covering 16m2. The space offers the opportunity for meetings or small party/community group hires. As such the overall space is very diverse and The Council's aim for the Contractor is to serve as wide a range of customers as possible. It is anticipated that the procurement for the catering concession will commence in August 2019 with a view to the contract being awarded in November 2019. The park is due to reopen in June 2020. Interested businesses and entrepreneurs have the option to discuss this exciting proposition on the 16th and 17th July 2019 at the Bowls Pavilion, Victoria Park, Tenterbanks, Stafford. The day will encompass a presentation on the proposed facilities and our vision for the future partnership with the supplier, there will then be chance to discuss the provision and provide feedback. All interested businesses are requested to e mail and book an hours slot on their desired day.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
55520000 - Catering services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors