CBC-1193-T-TS - Steppingley Road - 72 Bed Care Home and Independent 8 Bed Households - AWARD
Steppingley Road - 72 Bed Care Home and Independent 8 Bed Households. A 72-Bed Care Home and ancillary accommodation incorporating a total of 9no. independent 8 Bed Households. • A mix of 1 and 2-Bed, Independent Living Apartments, totalling 88 units with ancillary accommodation, including 5no. Category 3 adaptable (Wheelchair) units. • A Short Breaks Unit (SBU) comprising 8 Beds and associated accommodation to provide an integrated model of care and support for adults with physical and learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. • A Hub Facility to provide dedicated internal and external space for community purposes to promote social interaction and well-being between residents, local households and visitors alike. **Please follow the information and guidance supplied within the SSQ/ITT documentation, this will help you adhere to our requirements. Also be aware of the word count limits, any information going over will not be evaluated. If you supply information that has not been requested, it will be disregarded and will not be considered /evaluated. Please ensure you supply a response to ALL questions. Please note timeline with regards to questions and submission dates. All communication/correspondence and clarifications must be sent via the In-tend portal. Please do not contact the Service area directly. Please view the 'Clarification' tab for any updates or responses to questions asked. Please avoid uploading your return just prior to closing deadline as you may incur IT issues and we will not accept Tender Returns via e-mail. The Council will provide as much support and information as it can to help guide you through the Tender process. Questions asked together with the response, will be made available to all suppliers tendering, to ensure a fair and consistent approach to all. If there is anything you are not sure of or need clarification of, then please contact us using the correspondence facility within the In-tend electronic tendering system. Please ensure that you inform us of your decision to participate. To submit a response, you will be required to Opt In. Opt In- This will confirm to us of your involvement and your intention to submit a return. Opt Out- This will confirm to us that you are not submitting a return. You will be able to provide a reason as to your decision and have the option to cease any system-generated communication. You will be able to opt back in at any point. Target contract commencement date: 6th September 2021 Contract term: 2 years
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45215214 - Residential homes construction work
71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
45210000 - Building construction work
71500000 - Construction-related services
45215212 - Retirement home construction work
45211200 - Sheltered housing construction work
45215210 - Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation
45215213 - Nursing home construction work
45211340 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
71220000 - Architectural design services
45000000 - Construction work
45211000 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors