CBRN Training Equipment
The Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Delivery Team (CBRN-DT) (the contracting Authority) are equipment sponsors for CBRN detection, identification, monitoring sample collection equipment used by UK Government. The Authority has a requirement for a supplier to provide support for its range of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Training Equipment (CBRNTE). This requirement shall also include the ability to purchase additional CBRNTE articles (however this is optional and not guaranteed) and CBRNTE-related ad-hoc support tasks. The equipment requiring support was supplied by ARGON Electronics (UK) Ltd and functionally emulates items that are supplied in their operational format by other Operation Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)'s. The range of equipment includes: a. SMITHS DETECTION Ltd: LCAD, LCD3.2, LCD3.3, MCAD and CAM, and associated software applications. b. PROENGIN: AP4C/S4PE and associated software applications. c. MIRION: ADM-300v1(b), probes, simulated sources and associated software applications. The contract Core requirements will include survey, maintain, repair, attritional loss replacement, disposal, provision of User spares and consumable items, simulation, software support, training support, obsolescence management, documentation updates, and other simulation-related ad-hoc tasks (on a call-off basis tasking mechanism). The contract shall also include the ability to purchase additional CBRNTE items to increase the quantity and types of CBRNTE items held (if required and not guaranteed). The contract duration will be for 3 years (from April 2025 to March 2028) valued at approx £0.510 and an approx value of £0.850M, with two options years.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors