CC11527 - Short Breaks Respite at Home and in the Community Flexible Framework
What is required from the contract? How is this expected to be delivered, where and at what timescales? The overarching aim of the Short Breaks (Respite) at Home and in the Community, Service contract is to support and sustain the caring relationship and in doing so meet the needs, expectations and outcomes sought for both the cared-for person and their carer. This is with a view to enabling the carer to have a break whilst at the same time enabling the person requiring care to remain at home avoiding or delaying the need for possible admission to an alternative care environment or the need for increased levels of intervention wherever possible. The main objectives of this service are: To temporarily relieve the carer of their caring responsibilities either on a planned or emergency basis ; To help sustain the caring relationship by reducing potential carer stress, anxiety and feelings of isolation ; To promote the health and wellbeing of both the person being cared for and their carer ; To provide an opportunity for both parties to spend meaningful time together or apart ; To help carers avoid feelings of isolation by enabling them to maintain contact with their informal social networks and in doing so build individual capacity and resilience ; To provide support to the cared for person to engage where possible in activities and pursuits of choice ; To prevent avoidable admissions to hospital or care home.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors