CCS003/2022 - Outreach Support and Positive Activities for Children & Young People with Disabilities
Middlesbrough Council is seeking to secure a number of suitable organisations to provide services to meet the Assessed Needs of Children and Young People with Disabilities. The services will provide Short Breaks in the form of Outreach Support and/or Positive Activities in the community to enable families and carers to have a break from the caring role.The Service will ensure that the child is supported to become as independent as possible, and their families are supported in a way which enables them to maintain their caring role and responsibilities for their child, and to sustain an everyday family life, including spending time with siblings.Services must be available to enable all eligible children and young people and their families across Middlesbrough, to have equitable access to quality short breaks both in their own home and out in the local community. Providers will be expected to offer appropriate support packages for a range of different needs and complexity, that will be individually tailored and relate to the individual assessment of needs. They should build on each family's strengths and assets wherever possible.The Council currently contracts with a number of Providers on a framework who deliver Short Breaks for Children and Young People with Disabilities in 2 lots as follows;Lot 1 Personal Care and SupportLot 2 Groups and Activities
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors