CEFAS24-04 Contract for provision of surveillance equipment and associated services for Marine Protected Areas in the Maldives, under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) - via CCS DPS RM6235
The Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) was announced in 2021 as a key bilateral aid programme under the £500m Blue Planet Fund. The UK is working with partner countries to deliver marine science technical assistance across the 3 core themes of marine pollution, biodiversity loss and supporting sustainable seafood. Between 2021-25, Cefas will lead delivery of the Marine Pollution and Sustainable Seafood themes of OCPP, working in partnership with experts from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The overall aim of this work is to support the Government of Maldives to effectively manage and monitor their marine area, specifically the Mendhoo MPA within the Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve. Cefas are looking for a surveillance system which will allow rangers operating in the region to detect and respond to incidents of non-compliance with the aim of protecting valuable ecosystems and marine resources, and enhancing safety and security. The data may also have an additional benefit by providing data to support environmental surveys, which may include nesting turtle studies and coastal erosion. A surveillance system in Baa Atoll will provide the rangers operating within the area a better overview of human activity, allowing them to respond to incidents of non-compliance and assess the risks and impacts for future management within the area. The Supplier will ship, install, and service and maintain the system for the duration of the Contract, as well as provide training to the rangers on the use of the system.
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1 Possible Competitors